Pharma IQ Live: Digital Supply Chain 2022

26th and 27th April  | Free Online Event

Nico Ros

CTO and Co-Founder SkyCell

Nico Ros is a leading Swiss engineer and the co-founder and CTO of SkyCell. He is the mastermind behind SkyCell and its technology. Nico has always been curious about the functioning mechanisms behind the objects we use in our daily lives and has a passion for developing new technologies. Physics and maths are the subjects he finds the most intriguing and which found the basis of his career in engineering. Nico is also managing partner at ZPF, an engineering company in Basel. He has constructed some of the most expensive buildings in Switzerland in collaboration with the famous architects Herzog & DeMeuronand and has won prestigious architectural prizes. Nico’s key strength lies not only in his state-of-the-art engineering know-how but also in his ability to design from the ideal point and work that into the current technology and regulatory frameworks. He is also highly efficient at managing teams, leading highly complex, multimillion projects to success.

Day One - 26th April 2022

10:00 AM Can Live Monitoring Platforms Help Solve The Renewed Logistics Crisis?

The pandemic has compelled the life sciences and pharmaceutical sector to revisit their strategy surrounding the new logistics crisis in the VUCA environment. As the sector accelerates toward digital and agile quality systems, it’s time to focus our efforts on the importance of live data monitoring to support a higher quality of informed decision making, whilst reducing associated risks and costs. 

We also need to take into consideration how we can optimize transport management capacity and explore what the benefits are of combining simulation and operational excellence. 

This session will address: 

• Exploring and learning how live data loggers enable smarter decision making 

• Assessing how platforms automate shipment monitoring and response 

• Discussing how important the combination of simulation and operation gives the supply chain teams an edge in handling the VUCA environment. 

• Analyzing risk assessments of routings and packaging vs. real life data