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Registration Form

Download the registration form for the upcoming Software Design for Medical Devices - Americas Summit.

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Convince Your Boss Letter

Need help securing approval to attend. Download our customizable "Dear Boss Letter" to get a jump start on building your business case to attend.

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Software Design for Medical Devices Summit Past Attendee Snapshot

Interested in learning more about who attends the Software Design for Medical Devices? Then check out our Past Attendee List! If you prefer to receive this via email contact

Attendee ROI Toolkit: One-Stop-Shop For Justifying Your Attendance

Get a jump start on building a business case to attend the 2018 Software Design for Medical Devices with our Attendee ROI Toolkit. This resource packet includes Benefits of Attending, Attendee Snapshot, Dear Boss Letter and other registration materials. If you prefer to receive this via email contact

Inside the Operating Room of the Future: How Mass General is Unleashing the Power of Medical Device Connectivity to Transform Patient Care

We at the Software Design for Medical Devices are very excited to invite you to join us for an in-depth tour of Massachusetts General Hospital / Partners HealthCare/CIMIT’s state-of-the-art, Medical Device Plug-and-Play Interoperability Lab on Monday, January 22 in Cambridge, MA. A true pioneer in the industry, experience first hand how the MD PnP Interoperability Lab is making interoperability the foundation of next generation patient care.

In anticipation of the site tour, we sat down with Julian M. Goldman, MD., Director and Founder of the MD PnP Program to learn more about their facility, what projects they’re currently working on and how the adoption of open standards and interoperable technologies have the potential to dramatically improve patient care.

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