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Choosing The Right System Software For Medical Devices

Finding the right software for the design of medical devices is critical, as there is little room for error. Developers have many choices to make, from whether to use a “roll-your-own” solution or a commercial off-the-shelf product to whether to employ a real-time operating system or a general purpose operating system such as Linux or Android. This article by White River explores the breadth of considerations that are essential in making the best choice.

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Report: Agile Development for Medical Devices Software

This 3-part report on Agile development features a special interview with the Software Chief Technology Officer of GE Healthcare, an article on the Top 9 frequently asked agile questions, and Agile insights from three other industry experts.

Five Expert Perspectives on Software Design for Medical Devices

To preview the interactive discussion that will take place at the SDMD Conference, we wanted to share the insight from five speakers who have spoken at our previous two conferences. The experts discuss crucial topics about:

  • Mobile Devices
  • Upcoming Regulations
  • Software Design
  • Software Quality
  • Validation

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Cyber Security Software for Medical Devices Whitepaper

Pharma IQ brings you this whitepaper looking at what you need to know in regards to software cyber security to medical devices. Includes updates on recent medical device security legislation, a run down on how these cyber attacks occur and what you can do to prevent them.

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Thoughts for Developing Software Quality Procedures

Today a software resolution is happening in the medical device industry. Medical device companies are looking to approach their software development processes more efficiently and effectively to bring their product to a highly competitive and time-sensitive marketplace. However, there are certain software development procedures that need to be addressed which you can find in the Thoughts for Developing Software Quality Procedures Report.

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