Enhancing the speed and efficiency of discovery through
technology, data and automation

March 07 - 08, 2023 | Free Pharma IQ Online Event

John Harman

Senior Director of Product Management Strateos

John Harman is a Senior Director of Product Management at Strateos. Prior to Strateos, John has worked in the biopharmaceutical industry for more than 20 years and has built expertise in laboratory robotics, laboratory operations and logistics, liquid handling, analytical instrumentation, research informatics, and biopharma R&D bench work. He believes that modern cloud and connected lab technology, alongside the power of AI and machine learning will evolve discovery and development of new medicines for those of us who need them.

Day One

12:00 PM Closing the Loop from Idea-to-Data: Accelerating Drug Discovery Through Automation, Robotics, and Lab Digitalization

Iterative cycles of design, make, test and analyze (DMTA) are at the core of early stage drug discovery. Medicinal chemistry is a critical component within small molecule drug discovery and involves the design of molecules, synthesis, testing via bioassays, and analysis of results. Strateos’ goal is to automate many of the operations to enable a chemist to work on multiple programs at the same time in parallel, greatly improving the process efficiencies and shortening cycle times.

To demonstrate the improved efficiencies of an automated DMTA cycle, Strateos virtually and physically integrated chemical and biological experimental components of the drug discovery process to enable researchers to select structures that can be prepared on automated systems and made available for follow-up biological testing, allowing for timely hypothesis testing and validation.

In our presentation, we will highlight our case study demonstrating automated reproducible synthesis of multiple analog compounds followed by downstream cell-based and biochemical assays in as little as 3-5 days.

In this presentation, you will learn: 

• The capabilities of Strateos’s 23 drug discovery automation modules, and how they can be accessed via the cloud from anywhere in the world

• Synergies enabled by full integration under the Strateos cloud-based software stack

• Lessons learned from over a year operating in production mode