Digital Harmony
Revolutionising Data, System Interconnectivity and Adopting Emerging Technology for the Lab of the Future

February 25 - 26, 2025 | Amsterdam Marriott Hotel

Interviews with Industry Leaders

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Interviews with Industry Leaders

  • Interview: Bayer Pharma

    Gernot Goeller, Head O&I CoE ED&CMC at Bayer Pharma who played a vital role when his organisation made the transition to a paperless lab shares his advice and discusses the main benefits of developing a paperless lab. Gernot also finishes off by telling us how he thinks the vendor community can help him address his most pressing challenges.

  • Interview: Gartner

    In this insightful Michael Shanler, Research Director at Gartner shares with us his perspective on how he sees mobile technology impactingthe lab efficiency, what processes and tools professionals should invest in to streamline operation and reduce costs. Finally Michael gives us his exclusive insight into the hottest lab informatics trends for 2014.

  • Interview: Pistoia Alliance

    John Wise, Executive Director at the Pistoia Alliance talks to us about the importance of implementing mobile devices in lab projects and how we need to start embracing the Cloud as it provides a lot of opportunities when it comes to managing data.