Digital Harmony
Revolutionising Data, System Interconnectivity and Adopting Emerging Technology for the Lab of the Future

February 25 - 26, 2025 | Amsterdam Marriott Hotel

Smartlab Exchange R&D

Download the 2020 agenda for the first Virtual Smartlab Exchange to find out more about the online interactive Roundtables, Panel discussions and plenary sessions that will be taking place.

Join the Exchange on the 25 - 26 August 2020 - all 100% online

You can reserve your place here or email for more information.

Why should you join the 2020 Smartlab R&D Exchange ?

  • Devise the roadmap to success for the agile, adaptable, digitalised lab
  • Harness lab automation strategies to minimise errors, improve productivity and optimise speed of delivery
  • Create a connected lab ecosystem in the cloud to promote agility and accelerate workflows
  • Build a robust scientific data management architecture to extract actionable insight from your complex data estate
  • Bridge the gap between science, it and informatics to eliminate silos and accelerate innovation