Niclas Nilsson

Head of R&D Open Innovation LeoPharma

Niclas focuses on the strategy and practical implementation of Open Innovation initiatives that will fill the R&D Pipeline by external collaborations. Working hands on with the construction and operations of an unique Open Innovation platform that is truly open for collaboration in pharmaceutical drug research and that connects with core internal R&D (see link below).

Design and construction of a truly open platform allowing any external partner to explore if their research asset have a beneficial effect in disease, with no strings attached in order to really boost joint innovation opportunities. We can do much more together, if we just go about it differently.

Furthermore, Niclas works with insight/need-based crowdsourcing to bring in external innovation you didn't even know existed. Explorer of new business models to enable external and trans-disciplinary innovation to come together in order to enable disruptive creativity resulting in business value.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Niclas.

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