Effectively managing communication with CMOS

There are a number of challenging elements to consider when managing an effective communication with international partners; these include language, cultural and geographical components. Preparing sufficiently for face-to-face meetings with international partners is critical to productivity; and building an understanding the challenges that may occur in the decision-making process is the best way to overcome this hurdle. It has come to light that many in the industry face similar issues in regard to cultural and language barriers.

Language barriers

In regard to language barriers, a key challenge when working with CMOs is the tendency for miscommunication during meetings. Even when skilful interpreters are used, there isn’t always a complete awareness of the tone and character of the conversation, which can lead to crossed wires. It is useful in this scenario to build a relationship with the company first in order that the goal of the meeting is fully understood.

Company Culture

Understanding the culture of the company is also critical when building long-term partnerships, if the values of the two companies differ then this needs to be identified at an early stage to prevent time wasting and disagreements. Establishing and sharing values is the basis for every relationship, but when the values of the companies are too different this needs to be identified in the searching process to avoid wasted time and money. If the companies’ values differ only slightly, this may be something that can be improved with tactical discussion.

Decision making

In regard to decision making, it was noted that in some regions conclusions are never made in the meeting, and this is carried out afterwards. In this scenario, timelines may need to be adjusted in order to account for delayed decision making. When working with Asian and Middle-Eastern partners, it is also beneficial to first build a relationship with the company before meeting face-to-face, in order to build trust with the partner. In Asian markets, there also tends to be a very transparent hierarchy for decision-making, and establishing who the correct person to communicate with can avoid delays in the approval process later. 

Handling issues

When discussing communication when things go wrong in partnerships, the delegation agreed that it is very important not to go silent when there are setbacks in the partnership. Transparent and frank discussions can be immensely beneficial and tackling the issues in a united manner is undoubtedly the best way to improve the situation. 

Methods of Communications

Methods of communication are evolving and there is an increased use of video conferencing in partnerships, however, meeting partners in person is still the most valuable method of communication. There are some scenarios where meeting face-to-face is not always an option, this could be due to cost or timings. Establishing the critical meetings where in-person discussions are a necessity will aid cost and time efficiency. 

The CMO perspective

From the CMO perspective, managing effective communication in meetings is of critical importance in order to win and maintain business. The individuals who participate in face-to-face meetings must be fully prepared and briefed on the cultural expectations of the meeting. It is critical that within the CMO the territory managers have a deep understanding of the culture and territory they are working within.

If you are looking for more information regarding how to effectively manage communication with CMOS attend the upcoming Pharma Contract Manufacturing in March 2020. 

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