Digital Harmony
Revolutionising Data, System Interconnectivity and Adopting Emerging Technology for the Lab of the Future

February 25 - 26, 2025 | Amsterdam Marriott Hotel

Stephan Gruendemann

Head of Analytical Chemistry, Contrast Media Research BAYER

Agenda Day 2

8:45 AM Talking Heads: How Can Leaders Promote Digitalisation to Ensure System-wide Adoption?

While there are endless solutions for transformation in the digital space, it is the responsibility of lab leaders to drive transformation in the physical space. Creating organizational buy-in, cross-coordinating between departments and spreading new systems to all labs can become tremendous challenges if the organisation needs to be fought every step of the way. The primary challenge of digitalisation then, is not the digital but the analogue, if you cannot transform your organisation and help your technicians to succeed, no amount of new digital tools will improve efficiency.

Join this panel to listen as our experts discuss how to how to secure organizational buy-in. From discussing how best to drive cooperation between departments to comprehending the personal side of digital transformation join this expert panel as it explores:

•       Building use cases for new digitalisation technology to improve C-suite support and investment

•       Keeping transformation personal, and ensuring it improves employee efficiency first and foremost

•       Transforming systems from the ground up, building modular showcases to spread effective digitalisation strategies across your company

•       Engaging with the human side of digital transformation and respecting the hands that hold the tools

•       Cooperating across departments to create a strategic view of change management

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Stephan.

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