Alberto Pascual

Director of Data Science and Analytics IDBS

Day Two - 07 July 2021

10:00 AM Join the digital transformation revolution by democratizing the use of advanced analytics!

If your analytics tools aren’t giving you a holistic view of your data, it’s time to rethink your strategy. After all, end-to-end analytics is the cornerstone for making accurate and data-driven decisions. Implementing effective analytics across your organization enables democratized, empowered, and faster decision making, building momentum for your digital transformation journey. Unlock the power of visualization, reporting, exploration and ML/AI enabled by highly contextualized quality data, all through the power of advanced analytics.

The IDBS Analytics platform is a game changer in the digital transformation of our industry as we ensure everyone has access to data intelligence by streamlining the user experience. The embedded IDBS Data Science platform provides our customers with a simple view, which encourages full data visualization and analytics-driven decision making. Empower your data transformation today!