Choosing the Best Sponsored Content for your Needs
Add bookmarkPharma IQ hosts a variety of different types of content on our website, so if you are thinking of sponsoring, here is a summary of the main benefits of each:
Thought leadership column
Thought-leaders set a standard and lead by example. They are eloquent, outspoken members of the professional community. We can provide a space where your key stakeholders can regularly make their voice heard so it resonates with ten of thousands of fellow pharmaceutical professionals.
Webinars quickly boost online credibility, positions your company as a thought leader, and are extremely effective at generating high quality leads. Webinars draw the attention of those in the “buying phase”, educating them to your products and services and provide an excellent tool to reach out to the end user.
Whitepapers are another excellent way to establish your company as a thought leader in the industry. They are also ideal for lead generation and effective marketing positioning. By establishing effective case studies, you can promote you company’s strategic activity and become known as a successful innovator.
Articles, Podcasts and Videos
Let us record your key stakeholders for a podcast or video as either the basis for, or accompaniment to an article published on Pharma IQ. This broad approach maximises your exposure as end users may prefer to watch, listen, or read your messages. Become known as an educator in the online space and deepen your
credibility as a supplier.
An eye catching, informative, to the point banner hosted on our site can be an easy and quick way for you to attract the attention of your target market. All click-throughs can be directed to the page of your choice, whether it be content you have sponsored with us, or your own site. Banners can also be included in our newsletters, so your message can hit thousands of inboxes for as many weeks as you desire.
For more information or to request a count of names we have in your target area please call +44 (0)20 7368 9866 email or download our media pack