BRIC Clinical Trials Report: Opportunities and Challenges
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India is primed to become a hub for clinical research and clinical outsourcing activities. In a recent global study by Pharma IQ entitled “BRIC Clinical Trials: Opportunities and Challenges”, over half of the survey participants 53.5 % identified India as the BRIC country with the greatest opportunities for clinical trials.
With higher attrition of potential candidates in various phases of drug development and a lack of new drugs, the global clinical trials landscape has changed in recent years. As accessibility, visibility and data quality have increased in the BRIC nations, conducting carrying out clinical trials in Brazil, China, India and Russia has become a much more attractive global proposition. The large patient pools being cited by the survey respondents as the main reason for investing and outsourcing clinical activities to these regions.
In this report we explore the opportunities and challenges BRIC counties currently present for the global clinical trials market.