Pharma IQ Glossary: Biobanking
A Biobank is defined as a cryogenic storage facility used to archive biological samples for use in research and experiments collected from clinically-characterised volunteers comprising blood, induced sputum, bronchial biopsies and epithelial cells. These samples are used to develop the complex in vitro human disease models. Biobanks are maintained by institutions such as hospitals, universities, nonprofit organizations, and pharmaceutical companies.
Existing Research Ethics Protocols Fail in Biobanking Context
July 27 by Pharma IQ NewsIndustry Experts in Sample Management, Ethics Protocols and Biobanking Design to Convene at IQPC Biobanking Conference SAN FRANCISCO, CA - Pharma IQ, a division of IQPC, announces its 5th Biobanking C...
Biobanking Grows in Scale
October 07 by Pharma IQThere has been a steady flow of new biobanks and virtual biocollections over the past few years and sizes of efforts and collections are growing. However, biobanking presents a range of...
Is Your Biobank Lean?
February 08 by Jon WetzelJon Wetzel, founder of the Lean for Everyone blog, joins Andrea Charles from Pharma IQ to discuss recent technological and commercial trends in the biobanking sector. Pharma IQ: What technologi...