Pharma IQ Glossary: Dissolution Testing
Dissolution Testing is defined as a critical formulation tool in the process of drug discovery that entails measuring the stability of the investigational product, achieving uniformity in production lots and determining its in vivo availability. The Dissolution Testing method is useful in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry to formulate drug dosage forms and to develop quality control specifications for its manufacturing process. What are the 7 Deadly Sins of Quality Assurance and Quality Control? Find out here
Getting to Grips with Stability Testing and Regulatory Compliance
February 12 by Helen WinsorWhat are the 7 Deadly Sins of Quality Assurance and Quality Control? Download our free QA QC eBook now to find out! Find out more about the challenges in pre-and post-release stability te...
5 Top Tips on How to Establish IVIVC
February 12 by Jean-Michel CardotIVIVC is a very nice tool if you want to develop new drugs or new formulations. Why? IVIVC is very important and very nice, but mainly because you are going to study the leading factor which is going...