White Paper: Expert knowledge on minimum weight and routine testing assuring USP and GMP compliance

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The revised USP General Chapters 41 and 1251 on weighing that are published June 3rd, in USP36-NF31 Second Supplement will be official December 1st, giving the industry only six months to prepare for compliance. One consequence of General Chapter 41 is the so-called minimum weight, which needs to be adhered to in order to fulfill applicable accuracy requirements for weighing systems. The concept of minimum weight is not only restricted to applications in the scope of General Chapter 41, but applies to any weighing instrument, for balances in the laboratory and for scales in the pharmaceutical production area, and helps assuring compliance with specific GMP requirements in respect to equipment. 

Learn about the implications of the minimum weight on the accuracy and integrity of weighing processes. You will further learn about the risk-based approach for routine testing of weighing instruments, which is recommended in the revised General Chapter 1251.

By the way, it works for laboratory balances and industrial scales!

The free white paper “GWP® - the Standard; Science Based Weighing – for the Pharmaceutical Industry,” explains:

  • The factors affecting measurement uncertainty,
  • Its impacts for pharmaceutical companies and
  • Risks can be mitigated and SOPs can be changed by following the principles of the Global Weighing Standard: GWP®


For more information on USP, please visit: www.mt.com/lab-USP